Tuesday, February 19, 2008

HUMMM, Hello Mr Pres


The truth will set you free they say, but the truth plus $100,000 will set you even freer. That's the conclusion our good friend Larry Sinclair has come to after considering the offer we made him yesterday: $10,000 to take a polygraph test over his Barack Obama sex and drugs claims, and $100,000 if he passes it.After communicating via email to work out the logistics of the challenge, we were able to reach an agreement. Now, the plan is to get together with Sinclair and one of the best polygraph experts in the country, and ask him some questions – with the camera rolling, of course. As more details are made available we will post it here.The results of the whole thing will be posted right here on Whitehouse.com. Our pockets lighter by either ten grand or ten times that amount, we'll all have a better sense of what to make of Sinclair's almost-too-unbelievable-to-be-unbelievable allegations against a Senator who is poised, perhaps, to make history.
Borrowed from WhiteHouse.com

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