Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Cold this morining

Got up this morning at 0 dark thirty after the smell of hot coffee drifted in. What a great way to start the day. Of course we still have the grandkids and they let it be know about 0530 this morning. Today is the last day we will have them after 5 days. Son comming back from Vegas this afternoon around 1730. It's good to have your kids and grandkids living so close. He and them live one street over from us.
After my hot mug, I went outside to crank up the old blue Dodge Lonestar to warm up. Damn it's cold this morning. Temp in the truck says 38. It is suppose to warm up to 72 this afternoon though. I love this Houston weather, allways a surprise.
Guyk dropped by my virgin blog to say hello. I have been reading him for a long time. Wise man he is. Got all the right views on about everything. I guess being retired Air Force like me we tend to see things as they really are, not what the media wants to to see. I spend every afternoon with Mike Savage (The Savage Nation). He will keep you pointed in the right direction. Well time to go and earn my grits and greens. Just another day in paradie.

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