Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A Few Pictures From Ike At and Around My house

I spent 21 years in the USAF, and about half of them in Asia. Been through a lot of storms much bigger than this one, but Ike was not like other storms. I sat in my garage through most of it, and once the eye passed over, I new it was going to get worse, and it did. I have learned a lot about myself and my family through this ordeal, and how people can cope with loss of property and basic human needs, like electricity, the ability to cook food and most of all how we can survive without TV and Starbucks. I am pround of my wife and kids for their ablity to handle all of this. We were without power for 11 days, unable to get food, water or ice for three days. We kinda got use to living like folks did 100 or so years ago, and it's not that bad. Cought up on some reading, and drank a lot of beer. After it was safe to go outside, it was amazing to see all of the folks on my street, myself included jump right into clearing our street, heavely blocked by very large trees, and then everyone helped everyone else clear their yards of broken limps, trees and all sorts of other things. Of course the total clean up will take a long time, but we are now back to normal. Everyone is really worn out though, not just from the physical work of cleaning up, but the mental tiredness of being under such stress for such a long time. I am glad it is over. Our damage though bad, was nothing to compare to the almost total devestaion of Galveston and nearby areas.

My Back Yard

Pool Area

More Back Yard

Next Door

Couple Of Houses Down

Down The Street

My Grandson helping to clean up

Frying chicken on my 2 burner Coleman Stove. Best thing I ever bought

Next door, my daughter in the street

Neighbors Helping Neighbors

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