Friday, August 8, 2008

Federal Officers to Obama: We’re No Terrorists

This guy is so FOS, the he dosen't know which end is up.

The president of the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association has sent a blistering letter to Barack Obama castigating him for a remark he made that the organization says equates its members with “terrorists.”

Speaking at the National Council of La Raza convention in San Diego on July 13, Obama told the largely Hispanic audience that the nation’s immigration system "isn't working." According to Obama, the problem with the system is that "communities are terrorized by ICE [Immigration and Customs Enforcement] immigration raids" and "nursing mothers are torn from their babies."

The letter from the Association’s National President Art Gordon states: “On behalf of the 26,000 members of the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association (FLEOA), I take great exception to your disparaging remark, ‘…communities are terrorized by ICE immigration raids.’

“While the dedicated men and women of ICE endeavor to carry out their dangerous and noble missions, you somehow felt compelled to characterize their efforts as something akin to terrorizing…

“It’s one thing to remark intelligently on the need for immigration reform, but it’s quite another to berate ICE law enforcement officers who are risking their lives to enforce the laws passed by Congress.”

Charging that Obama and his fellow members of Congress have not passed any “meaningful legislations” on immigration reform, Gordon goes on to say: “Your bi-partisan fumble should not translate into labeling our members as terrorists by implication…

“ICE employs patriotic men and women who are outstanding law enforcement officers, not rampaging home-wreckers.”

Gordon concludes by inviting Obama to meet with FLEOA officers, saying he would come away with an understanding “that those carrying the ICE shield are heroes, and not terrorists.”

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