Thursday, January 1, 2009

Very Quiet New Years Around Here

This was a very strange kind of New Year it seems to me. Usually most folks around here are very up for the big parties and fireworks, but not last night. I don't know what it was but it was just different. Very little noise or fireworks, the two parties I went to were very quiet and no one was drunk. That to me is strange. The mood seemed subdued for some reason. Several of my friends made mention of the fact that they just couldn't get into the mood to party. I guess we may not think about it, but with all of the bad things that happened to us (as a country) this past year is stuck in the back of our minds and put people in a somber mood. I know I don't feel very festive, and I got up today and didn't have a hangover, of course, I didn't drink very much. I sat with my two sons and my two grandsons for hours last night playing internet games and just not really doing anything. I got home around 2am and went to bed.

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